Mario de Pietro (Mandoline/Banjo) bei youtube

Als Ergänzung zu meinem früheren Post über Mario de Pietro hier noch drei Videos die man bei youtube finden kann. Mario de Pietro spielt Tenor-Banjo. Viel Spass!

Keyboard Kapers Played By Mario De Pietro

presented by

That Is Mario De Pietro’s Arrangment Of Henry Steele’s Keyboard Kapers.
For further information about the music of Mario De Pietro, tenor banjo sheet music (notation & tab), piano accompaniments, videos and recordings, please feel free to visit:

Mario De Pietro Frivolous Joe

Here you can hear one of my favourite recordings of the superb mandolinist and banjoist Mario De Pietro.
The composition is called „Frivolous Joe“. A nice music piece, which has a lot of triplets and chords.
For more information about Mario De Pietro and his music, tenor banjo sheet music (notation and tab), piano accompaniments and interesting records, as well as videos from the 1920’s, please feel free to visit:

Playliste Mario de Pietro

Lesen sie auch:

Die Mandolinenschule von Mario de Pietro – The First Step how to play the Mandolin finden sie bei

Geschenktipp für Musiker (Amazon Partnerlink):

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